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— It is difficult to draw a line between what is me and what is mine (William James precis)


We are all brand owners now.

What we buy, what we eat, who we know and selfie, to ‘know,’ and where we work.  All are carefully curated for presentation to the world on social media. Managing our own ‘brand of me’ is a new purpose in life.

Ownership has become the significant driver in our consumer and work lives.

To help our clients walk James’ ‘difficult line’ between what is me and mine. Sagency has conducted a two year research programme, which has led us to a breakthrough and thought leading idea in consumer and work talent motivation: Emotional Ownership©

Our approach builds on our two lifetimes of experience. We have worked with many of the world’s most successful and valuable brands, and served on the leadership teams of three of the most celebrated and creative global Advertising Agencies.

Sagency has conducted an in-depth analysis of more than 100 academic papers on organisational behaviour, behavioural economics, consumer behaviour, social psychology and economics. This combined with proprietary qualitative research and quantitative data analysis, underpins the leading edge concept of Emotional Ownership© 

Emotional Ownership© can deliver transformational change from the C suite to the supermarket. It represents a timely opportunity for ambitious and far sighted firms to create significantly more competitive and successful talent and brand strategies.