We have a book cooking!
Doubtless you’ve been missing our posts!
We aren’t being rude or idle…. Damian and I have been writing a book.
Here’s the blurb which we hope will build anticipation of the book’s publication to near fever pitch
All revolutions are binary.
They have a before and after.
Imperial rule becomes independence. The tyranny of the Tsars yields to Communism. And, for good or ill, the history written by the victors tells of a change from bad to good.
Technological revolutions are no different. Be it agricultural or industrial, there were people who found themselves on either side of the binary watershed. Revolutionary progress, that white heat of technology, inevitably lifts some up and leaves others behind.
Our digital revolution is no different.
The aging pre-revolutionary analogs meet the revolutionary Millennial digitals like crashing tectonic plates. Back in the day, for analogs tech was struggling to programme their VCR. Digitals have never known a world without smart phones, universal knowledge (citation needed), and social media at the tips of their digits.
But, irony of ironies. The tech savants have to work for the tech idiots. Power, for the moment at least, remains with the analogs. They are the masters, for now. (Of course, this is less the case in technocracies and new organisations, but, let’s face it most C suites are digital-native deserts.)
Maybe this should be a new cause celebre for the D&I tsars? Or is it just a matter of time before the analog plate is subducted by the powerful and strengthening digital strata?
For now, in this mighty struggle, we are still at the name-calling stage. Like the Anywheres and Nowheres of the Brexit debate, the un-woke Gammons in their male, pale, analog towers deride and are derided by work shy snowflakes, lurking in their conflict-free safe spaces.
Which of course misses the point, and leaves both sides in an inefficient and ineffective state of talking about ‘the issue with Millennials’ and not doing anything about it, whilst work and its world suffers.
Which is why this book is so timely and relevant
The need is now for a guide to the future of work.
How to Stop Boiling Frogs. Recipes for the Future of Work is an essential guide book for enlightened analog C suiters and their digital talent force.
It provides insightful analysis of why and how we are where we are, and is a font of stimulating ideas and processes to realise a brighter future. It doesn’t claim to be deep, it aspires to be provocatively shallow…. In other words, a good read.
And unlike most of the turgid tomes of the work book market it’s framed by a human essential that spans and survives all revolutions. Food.
Our hope is that it provides that most essential of intellectual staples. Food for thought!